
The name of Home originates from an Old English word Hôm, which in its dative form described a place on an hilly outcrop or height. The situation of Hume Castle readily explains this origin and through the ages it has been spelt in several different ways, appearing in documents over the past eight centuries in up to 8 various spellings. Always pronounced Hume, the barony, castle and village retained the Home spelling until the end of the 18th century; many families over the centuries have switched to the Hume version to avoid confusion of pronounciation for those living outwith the Borders, whilst others have retained the Home spelling.

The first to change his style of surname to that of Home was William of Greenlaw, probably in the early 1200′s. William’s father Patrick was second son of Cospatrick, 4th earl of Dunbar and is mentioned as a witness to Melrose Abbey charters in 1166 and 1228.