Monthly Archives: September 2023

Association du Clan Home de France

We are delighted that we now have a branch of the Association in France! Yann Coste and his wife, Amandine, head the Association du Clan Home de France.

France has been a very important ally of Scotland for many centuries, except during a minor blip during the Napoleonic Wars! Originally formed as the Auld Alliance in 1295 against the common enemy, England, and many people moved in both directions between the two nations.

Members of the Home/Hume families served in the Gardes Écossaises, a bodyguard founded in 1418 to protect the Valois King Charles VII, over the next hundred years. Some family members remained in France and there are still pockets of Humes living there.

Other family members, not connected to these early bodyguards, also chose to remain in France over the centuries and it is for all these individuals’ descendants that the new Association has been formed.

Yann has been busy meeting other clan representatives, already active in France, and will be setting up Clan Home tents at future festivals.

The Facebook page is now live, found here

We look forward to greeting our new cousins into the family fold!